EMS Picture Day This Friday, September 10th!
over 3 years ago, Ashley Boe
Jostens Picture Day Flyer
Jostens picture day flyer 2
IMPORTANT EMS DATES/UPCOMING EVENTS August 30th & 31st - 7th & 8th Volleyball practice - 8am-10am @EMS September 2nd - 7th & 8th Football Scrimmage @ Mondovi September 7th - 6th, 7th, 8th grade Cross Country practice starts after school September 7th - 7th Football @ Prescott; 8th Football @ Home September 9th - 7th Volleyball @ Home; 8th Volleyball @ Amery September 10th - EMS Picture Day (more info to come) A reminder for all athletes, we need your completed physical form, fee paid, and registration on file. Fees can be paid in-person or online through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal
over 3 years ago, Ashley Boe
EMS WELCOMES STUDENTS BACK! With the three Interim days under our belt, students and staff have some good, positive momentum and we're ready to kick off the regular school year in great style! The first official day of the regular school year is Wednesday, September 1st. I'll be sending out a regular newsletter to keep everyone posted about what's going on at Ellsworth Middle School. For students who haven't been in yet, locks can be purchased at the office window next Wednesday (need 2 and they're $5 each); schedules and chromebooks can be picked up in the IMC. Plenty of staff will be around to help guide you. If you're not sure where to go, just ask! This initial newsletter contains lots of links to various useful resources. As the year rolls on we'll bring you more pictures and descriptions of the fun and engaging learning here at EMS.
over 3 years ago, Ashley Boe
Students working together
EMS Open House is tonight from 4-7pm
over 3 years ago, Buena Farrell
Any 7th grader that is interested in playing volleyball please make sure to have a physical on file and to register on the school website. First day of practice is August 30th from 8:00-10:00. Thanks Coach Hutch and Coach K https://www.ellsworth.k12.wi.us/page/panther-athletics
over 3 years ago, Buena Farrell
EMS Open House- August 18th, 4-7pm! Please join us for our back to school open house to kick off the year. This is a great time to get schedules, test out locks and put supplies away, get Chromebooks, meet the teachers and submit paperwork. If you are unable to attend but would like to swing by during the week, our office hours will be Monday 16th, 8-4, Tuesday 17th, 9-4, Wednesday 18th, 9:30-7, Thursday 19th, 8-4 and Friday 20th, 8-4. Please note this year we are not doing a 6th grade/new student meeting and will be sending out information via video to all students soon.
over 3 years ago, Ashley Boe
Back to School Open House
OPENINGS TODAY! FREE SPORTS SCREENINGS- Ellsworth Mayo Clinic Mayo Clinic Health System is pleased to offer our free sports screenings for the 2021 – 2022 school year. Please share this information with you student athletes in need of sports screening. Please find attached schedule of dates and locations. We ask that students call the number on the flyer to schedule their appointment. Note, that if a date in your location doesn’t work you can call another location to schedule.
over 3 years ago, Ashley Boe
Free Sports Screenings Information
Pre-Qualifying Sports Screenings
Q's & A's
2021-2022 EMS School Supply List
over 3 years ago, Buena Farrell
2021-2022 School Supply List
Ellsworth Community School District is excited to offer an in-person Jump Start program for students going into grades Kindergarten through 7th! Please read through all the information carefully. Jump Start will be Monday-Thursday, August 9th-12th from 8am-11:30am. The purpose of Jump Start is to help students get back in the swing of school through fun and educational math and reading activities along with providing fun, structured games and activities appropriate to their grade level. All Jump Start classes will be held in the school building where your child will be attending this fall. Registrations are time-stamped when submitted and classes will be filled on a first come, first served basis. To insure your child’s spot in Jump Start, register early. We will monitor registration and close grades when they are full to avoid overfilling. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QA_VysPjF-FSpdjE1aVt_od9UmaVhPtLJ0ew-mVeeWw/edit
over 3 years ago, Buena Farrell
Color run fun!! HUGE thank you to EMS Parents Club & Mr. Dodge for putting it together this year.
over 3 years ago, Buena Farrell
Faith - Color Run
Avery - Color Run
Color Run
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! Thank you for all you do!
almost 4 years ago, GO Panthers!
I Love My Teacher Picture
School Board Vacancy
almost 4 years ago, Ellsworth
vacancy flyer
Dance team tryouts happening soon!! To sign up email: ellsworthdanceteam1@gmail.com
almost 4 years ago, Ellsworth
dance flyer