Bus Garage Contact Information: 715-273-3917 Director: Michael Chisholm chisholmm@ellsworth.k12.wi.us
Frequently Asked Questions
Bus Rider Rules and Regulations
My child’s bus is crowded. How will this be corrected?
Ellsworth Community School District’s fleet utilizes 65 and 72 passenger buses, which means that seating is three to a seat. We appreciated that this may feel crowded; however, it is not a situation which would necessitate correction.
My child had a problem on the bus and/or left an item on the bus. What can I do?
The Transportation Director/Bus Garage can be reached at 715-273-3917.
Can my child have a friend ride to school or home with him/her?
Due to our number of students, we do not allow students to bring friends for parties, scouts, homework/study, sleepovers, etc. It is the responsibility of the parents to coordinate transportation arrangements in these circumstances.
Why does my child have to walk to a group stop or an intersection?
There are approximately 1,500 students that are registered to ride the bus. Each stop takes at least 30 seconds; efficiency requires limiting routes for minimum time and distance.
If my child is absent from school, do I need to notify someone about transportation?
If your child is the only one at a bus stop, a call or email would be greatly appreciated. We can be reached at 715-273-3917 or chisholmm@ellsworth.k12.wi.us.
I need to pick up my student at the end of the day or make a route change. Should I call someone?
Call the school that your student attends no later than 2:00pm to notify the office of the change. Later calls or emails run the risk of not being communicated to the teacher or the student. Last-minute changes at the end of the day may not be accommodated as it is difficult to make unexpected schedule changes with the amount of students being transported each day; however, we will try to help out in an emergency, as much as possible.
Do I need to have someone present for young children getting off the bus?
Especially for our 4yk students the driver must see a parent/guardian/responsible adult present. If the bus driver is not able to ascertain whether an adult is present, the student will not be let off the bus. The student will be brought back to Panther’s Kids Club at the Elementary School to be picked up if no one is available at the residence.
Do my kids need to be at the bus stop earlier then the scheduled pick up time? Stop times are subject to change for various reasons. A late student running to the bus stop is not a safe situation. The bus driver may not see the student running to the bus and the student may get hit by another vehicle or the bus as they approach and/or cross the street. We suggest having students ready 5-10 minutes before the scheduled time (10-15 minutes as we implement the new routes Jan. 2018)
School bus passengers shall comply with any lawful order given by the driver in carrying out his responsibility to transport passengers safely. Transportation for all students in the school district is provided, although students living close to the school are encouraged to walk to and from school. Bus routes are developed in accordance with school district. Students must ride on assigned buses. They are picked up and delivered to a designated spot. Each student is allowed two households for transportation. For example, home and daycare would be considered two households. Changes must have administrative approval.
Students, who do not follow bus riding rules and become disciplinary problems, may have their riding privileges suspended. All school rules apply to buses.
1. Be on time at the designated school bus stop-keep the bus on schedule.
2. Stay on the shoulder of the road at all times while waiting for the bus. Pupils obliged to cross a highway shall wait for a signal from the driver and cross at least 10 feet in front of the standing bus.
3. Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before attempting to enter the bus.
4. Bus riders should not be permitted to move toward the bus at the school loading zone until the bus has been brought to a complete stop.
5. Bus riders will conduct themselves in a safe manner while waiting for the bus.
1. A driver has the authority to assign seats.
2. Rides shall conform to the same standards of conduct that are expected of them at school.
3. Go to your seat without disturbing or crowding other students. Seating should be in the front seats first, and progress towards the back of the bus.
4. Remain seated while the bus is in motion. No student should be out of seat while bus is moving.
5. Riders shall not extend head, hands or any portion of the body out of a window or door at any time. Nothing should be thrown out of the vehicle.
6. Scuffling, horseplay, or fighting will not be permitted on or around the bus.
7. Profane or indecent language or gestures will not be tolerated.
8. Smoking or tobacco products may not be used in school vehicles.
9. No alcoholic beverages or controlled substances (drugs) will be used or transported in school vehicles.
10. No loud talking or undue noise will be tolerated.
11. There must be absolute quiet when approaching a railroad crossing.
12. Animals or pets are not allowed on the bus.
13. Leave no books, lunches, or other articles on the bus.
14. No littering on the bus! Help keep the bus clean, sanitary and orderly. Books, musical instruments, coats, and other objects must be kept out of the aisles. Hold on to trash until exiting the bus.
15. The rider and his/her parent or guardian will be responsible for the costs of any damage to the seats or other bus equipment.
16. In case of a road emergency, students are to remain in the bus.
17. Elementary students must be assigned front seats away from the older students on high school routes.
18. Riders are expected to obey the bus driver promptly. Refusal to obey the bus driver may result in the suspension of bus riding privileges.
1. Be alert to a danger signal from the driver.
2. Students obliged to cross the road (highway) must wait for a signal from the bus driver, and cross at least 10 feet in front of the standing bus.
3. The driver will not discharge riders at places other than the regular bus stop at the home or school.
1. Observe same conduct as in the classroom.
2. Be courteous, use no profane language.
3. Do not eat or drink on the bus.
4. Keep the bus clean.
5. Cooperate with the bus driver.
6. Do not smoke.
7. Do not be destructive.
8. Stay in your seat.
9. Keep head, hands and feet inside the bus.
10. Bus driver is authorized to assign seats.